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We make soap EASY.

Soap Science, Recipe Formulating, Methodology, Troubleshooting, & Design


Are you interested in learning how to successfully formulate, create, and design your own beautiful, bubbly, and long-lasting soap? The Ultimate Guide to Soap coursebooks will teach you EVERYTHING you need to know!


We delve deep into the history and science of soap making to provide our students with the ultimate learning experience. Study saponification, lye concentrations, fatty acids, superfatting, soap properties, oil and fat sources, and more. Enjoy a comprehensive curriculum that teaches students how to select ingredients based on chemical composition and desired soap qualities, how to use a soap calculator, and how to avoid common soap making complications that occur due to a lack of knowledge and experience. After you have learned the fundamentals of soap science and recipe formulating, enjoy discovering different styles of soap making, each with unique features that allow our students to truly design personalized and creative soaps.


All students have access to one-on-one student support, continuing education opportunities, tutorial and educational videos, an online soap making community, and more.





"OMG! The UG2HP Book is amazing. So much information and you're head will be spinning..... but in a good way. So much information that is helpful to get you through your first recipe and beyond. Pictures... Video links... and a new community."

— Annelise C.

We truly provide the ultimate learning experience, unlike any other class, book, or blog!

No more guessing.

No more hoping.

No more complications.

No more wasted time or money.

Just beautiful, easy soap,
with the properties, appearance, and performance YOU desire- EVERY time!

© Copyright The Ultimate Guide to Hot Process Soap

Our Current Coursebooks:

The Ultimate Guide to Cold Process Soap: Soap Science, Recipe Formulating, Additives, Troubleshooting, and Cold Process Methodology



The Ultimate Guide to Hot Process Soap: Soap Science, Recipe Formulating, Low Temperature & Fluid Hot Process Soap



The Ultimate Guide to Liquid Soap: Soap Science, Liquid Soap Formulating, Cold Process, Hot Process & 30-Minute No-Paste Liquid Soap

The Ultimate Guide to Cold Process Soap
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The Ultimate Guide to Liquid Soap.png

Student Gallery: 

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Blue Coconut Flame Swirl | Design Video | The Ultimate Guide to Hot Process Soap

Blue Coconut Flame Swirl | Design Video | The Ultimate Guide to Hot Process Soap

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Sweet Agave Sugar Design Video- The Ultimate Guide to Hot Process Soap

Sweet Agave Sugar Design Video- The Ultimate Guide to Hot Process Soap

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Blood Orange & Gogi- Fluid Hot Process Soap by The Ultimate Guide to Hot Process Soap

Blood Orange & Gogi- Fluid Hot Process Soap by The Ultimate Guide to Hot Process Soap

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"Anyone can copy, but only those who have true knowledge can create."
-A. Green
Why The Ultimate Guide Coursebooks are an investment in your future in soap making:

There are LOTS of options for learning how to make soap: blogs, videos, classes, books, books, Facebook groups, websites and so much more. Some of these are free and others are incredibly expensive, most without any follow-up or support. All of these options require time, dedication, and research in order to fully understand and comprehend each of the topics that are discussed in our coursebooks. There is literally no other resource that has all of this information in one place, in an easy-to-follow and comprehend format.


Maybe you don’t know where to start? Maybe you have tried to use these resources and they don’t provide you with the knowledge or support that you need? Maybe you can’t figure out how to get your hot process soaps fluid and keep wasting money trying? In soap making, each piece of the puzzle is crucial to your success. These pieces include, but are not limited to: soap science, including physics and chemistry, soap phases, fatty acids, SAP values, soap properties, superfatting, selecting the right oils and butters, lye safety, soap calculators, additives, and more. Information about each of the unique styles and processes of soap making is mandatory to ensure the success of your soap making endeavors and there is so much misinformation and unsafe soaping practices promoted that it can be hard to decipher which to follow. Every one of these topics is important when learning how to formulate recipes and successfully create soap- and each of these things is covered in significant detail in our coursebooks with their own chapter, including extras like videos, images, charts, learning exercises, experiments, and chapter reviews.


After completing our coursebooks with the support of our volunteer soap making teachers and help from our online community of students just like you, you will be able to successfully formulate and create your very own soap- with the properties, appearance, and performance YOU desire. Most of the information to self-teach and become a successful soap maker is out there, but we have taken the time, energy,  and years of experience and dedication to collect this information and provide readers with one easy-to-read resource with the support necessary to help you succeed.


What are you waiting for? Join us today! Happy Soaping!


The Ultimate Guide to Soap Team

Just for UG2HP Readers: Continuing education, new videos and brand new recipes! Sign up for our Student Page


— Megan Doyle

“I tried to make my soap fluid by watching videos and I just couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong. I wasted a lot of money on bad batches! After this book, I haven't had a single mistake! Worth every penny ”

Things to think about before trying to make soap without learning the fundamentals of soap science, recipe formulating, troubleshooting, and methodology:
Time spent watching YouTube or reading blogs: 2 hours
Time spent creating an uninformed recipe in a soap calculator you don't know how to use: 30 minutes
Time spent preparing ingredients and making soap: 60 minutes
Money spent on soaping tools: $150
Money spent on loaf ingredients: $40
Every failed batch of soap will end up costing you lots of time and money, not to mention the safety risk and feelings of frustration. There is no need to buy expensive or unnecessary tools and ingredients as a beginner. Spare yourself the time and money wasted on trying to make soap by skipping the most basic and fundamental learning principles before soap making. Learning to do things the right way, in the beginning, can really save a lot of time and frustration, in addition to making the process more streamlined and creating better soap!
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